Thursday, March 1, 2012

Oscars Inspiration

Despite the Academy Awards purportedly being about film, it seems like there's nothing that excites people more about Oscar Night than... the dresses! Best-dressed, worst-dressed, all for our delectation and inspiration and critique. I went into my favorite coffee shop yesterday and they had a newspaper laid out facing towards the customers and were asking each one, "Which is your favorite dress?" I have to admit I feared the personality-test they must have been conducting behind the innocuous question. 

Then this morning I happened upon the blog The Inside Source, and clicked on an image of Rooney Mara because I looooved her bangs and lipstick. What I discovered was that not only were they making a playlist of their favorite dresses, they had links to dresses with a similar sensibility on eBay. How do they know?? What was their decision process?? There were many dresses both in the Oscars and on eBay that I wasn't crazy about, but here and there something a little flirty peeked out, something a little eye-catching...

Inspiration is everywhere. 

All images via The Inside Source, photo of Rooney Mara by Michael Buckner/Getty Images

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