Friday, January 6, 2012

Still on New Year's thoughts

I am a lover of resolutions. Now, know that I don't take them so seriously that I will consider myself a failure if I haven't accomplished them in 12 months. For example: if I do not in fact get to the Bronx Zoo this year, I will not burst into tears. Although it would be too bad. If I do not manage to lower my carbon-footprint I will give myself a pass as being a new mother. Although I do hope to accomplish that.

I think of resolutions more as ponderables and desirables. It's the perfect excuse for thinking about the things that are important to you that may have gotten sidelined in the incredibly busy past year. Or things you want to continue that you want to make sure don't slip through the cracks. Here are a couple of family resolutions we made that I am going to put up on the bulletin board that I will make as one of my resolutions:

Start learning Spanish with August
Have tech-free Sundays
Host monthly dinners with friends
See more art in galleries
Go to the farmer's market as often as possible
Go to the ocean as often as possible

But one of my biggest resolutions is to be as nutty as I can be. It takes a certain amount of confidence to be nutty, to take risks and do cartwheels in public and even more scandalous things. Do you know the book "The Big Orange Splot"? Hm, perhaps I'll photograph that and write about it tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a poster that kind of sums it up.

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